The study hypothesis was the ability to write letters hijaiyah child after applying backs chain letter game also shows the results of analysis of data obtained t = 16.412 and p = 0.000 because p t table = 2.145. Kemudian dengan metode iqra’ yaitu mengenalkan anak untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara mengejanya dan makhrajnya. The data collection techniques were used that observation. Dalam mengajarkan anak belajar menulis huruf hijaiyah bisa melakukannya dengan metode menebalkan garis secara bertahap dan menulis secara terus menerus. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the chain letters back play to the ability to write letters hijaiyah children ages 5-6 years in TK Negeri Pembina 3 Pekanbaru. So that should be the application of the chain letters back play. Absract: based on the results of field observation to the ability to write letters hijaiyah students is still low and teacher still use learning methods that dominate and not varied.